First of all, the key question is Why invest? ... Investing is able to provide another source of income, it is a way of reassuring money. Some people have their attention on the retirement fund, others of a potential financial jam in the future, it all depends. Above all, investing helps with the growth of people’s wealth — letting some financial goals to be met and increases purchasing power over time.
“Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.” - Warren Buffett
When the questions “where to invest?” or “What is the best business sector to invest in?” come to mind, think of laundry franchises. While no investment is guaranteed, this sector is a great business opportunity to focus on. It is true that at first glance it seems like a traditional old fashion sector not likely to have great Return of Investment or any excessive benefits. But the beauty of it is that what you just read it's not even close to reality! Currently, the laundry industry is one of the fastest growing businesses! There has been a great increase on the service’s demand over the last couple of years, making laundry franchises one of the best profitable business opportunities.
Laundry franchises are booming because of the way people live their lives. Nowadays the world is crazy, everything is chaotic, stress is all over the place and people are starting to have less and less time to do tasks that they enjoy. Most people have a routine that looks something like this: Coffee, workout, breakfast, work, lunch, work, dinner, sleep. Repeat. Weekends? Laundry and housecleaning. Where is the time for fun?
According to recent studies, laundry is a task that can take us up to 500 hours a year, this is the equivalent of a summer vacation.The customs of the population are changing by leaps and bounds. As previously stated, free time is highly valued, since work takes up much of the day. Why should people spend the little free time they have left, on washing and dry cleaning clothes instead of enjoying it on valuable moments with lovely people?
The laundry franchises are a business of a lifetime, but they have been performing in the same way for years and years. Laundry is a sector to be exploited, with outdated techniques and with much room for improvement.
Here are some points to be considered:
- Increasing demand on the service
- The vast majority of people think that washing and ironing clothes is a tedious task for which they prefer to pay for a specialized service that freed them from this task and can devote their time to other chores.
- As stated before, the increasing shortage of people's time means that the demand for this type of service is increasing.
- Hiring a monthly laundry service for a user is more profitable than washing at home due to the high rate of light consumption. It is an attractive service because if you do accounts you save money on water, electricity and laundry costs for clothes.
- It is a service that will always be in demand since everyone needs to wash their clothes, it is a service of first necessity.
That is why the population begins to delegate these domestic tasks to new business models. The new trend is to make online purchases, hire a domestic assistant because there is no time to clean and most common, ordering food either to home or to work because it is to tiering to get cooking after a long day at work. Take a look at Amazon, why is it so amazing? Because it gives people everything they ask for on the precise moment they ask for it. This brand has everything: clothing, movies, books (from physical to online), stuff for camping, most of the things people look for, Amazon has.
BUT BUT BUT, companies such as Amazon have not thought of “attacking” the laundry sector, this has not occurred yet. The washing and ironing services are still being “ignored”. This is the precise moment to participate in this big change and create a great business opportunity out of this boring activity nobody likes to do.
Laundry self-services DO exist, but they include more than 3 steps:
- Put the clothes in a bag and go to the nearest laundry (on opening hours of course)
- Put the money on the machine. (don't have change? what a bummer!)
- Cross the street, go to a shop and buy something to have the change
- Wait on a not very comfortable seat.
- Carry the clothes back home.
People actually waste more time than washing their clothes at home, since the customer must not only take the clothing to the store, he/she has to wait for the washing and drying cycles to finish AND THEN the best part, they have to do the ironing.
All these self-service laundry businesses have experienced a boom in recent years, they are easy businesses since no labor is required for them to start. But the key to success is to provide a service that solves the problems discussed above.
“Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.” - Warren Buffett
Mr Jeff is a technological company that helps others solve their day to day problems implementing constant progress and improvement in all of its processes due to its commitment to innovation. With only three years on the market, one of the companies with most success in the laundry sector, this company has managed to find the solution!
No more washing & no more dry cleaning! WHAT? They created a new and innovative business model in which people do not have to wash and iron, they do not have to go anywhere! Mr Jeff performs for its clients the service of laundry at home, without them having to go to the point to take and pick up his clothes! This services can be hired through their app and website!
Mr Jeff has not only found the solution for this big problem, but this enterprise is revolutionizing the world! It has taken over the Latin American market with presence in countries such as: Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina; it has now its eyes on Middle East & Asia! Being already present in: the Philippines, Egypt, Thailand, Vietnam, Romania and Poland.
- Mr Jeff Laundry Franchises has demonstrated the success and innovation of its services in its accelerated expansion.
- More than 1,300 hubs in more than 20 countries and 500 users worldwide.
- Short- term break even and Return Of Investment
- Not only online but offline as well.
- Mr Jeff offers this service to the franchisee within the investment, without the need to spend additional money on the creation and maintenance of the app nor the marketing.
- The home laundry service is a novelty and has an added value which the current laundries do not yet achieve, since they have become obsolete and “stuck”on the traditional offering of these services.
- Followed by the innovation of its Business Model, no other competitor offers a membership service through its app and website
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